The Bearfoot Baker Link Party #16 All Things Sweet

The Bearfoot Baker Link Party via

I am so excited about this link party! I love all things sweet! When I was younger, I never wanted to eat food. I just wanted to eat desserts! Not a lot has changed since I have become an adult. My wonderful hubby takes me out to eat and all I can think of is the beautiful sweet creations the awesome chef is working on. I imagine him in the kitchen with all his tools building something wonderful just for me! It must be like an artist working on his masterpiece! I only order desserts every now and then but, I still dream of them each time we go out.

Today, you can make my dreams come true! I want to live in the sweet, sweet life of the internet and dream of all your wonderful creations! Please show me ALL THINGS SWEET!

If you are not sure how to upload a photo, you can see my new tutorial here. Upload as many cookies as you want!

Now for the rules:
1. It must be cookies you created!!
2. The link must go directly to your post, or your photo and not your Facebook page or homepage.
3. Nice stuff only, seriously, kids could be watching! And Santa is always watching!
4. No ads, shops, giveaways, etc… (they will be removed)

The theme for next week is, “Girly Girl.” We celebrated Men a few weeks ago and now I want to see all girl things.

Happy Creating,
