The Bearfoot Baker Link Party #18 Farewell Summer

Can you believe it is August already? Summer is winding down and soon the bold and beautiful fall foliage will be making it an appearance and kids will be going back to school. So, I thought this might be a good time to say “Farewell to Summertime!” I know the first official day of Fall isn’t until September 22 but, once school starts it is goodbye to the lazy, lay by the pool, eating all the ice cream you want fun filled days of summertime!

Link anything that reminds you of summer or things you are looking forward to in the fall! I can’t wait!! This is going to be amazing!

If you are not sure how to upload a photo, you can see my new tutorial here. Upload as many cookies as you want!

Now for the rules:
1. It must be cookies you created!!
2. The link must go directly to your post, or your photo and not your Facebook page or homepage.
3. Nice stuff only, seriously, kids could be watching! And Santa is always watching!
4. No ads, shops, giveaways, etc… (they will be removed)

Happy Creating,
